Sunday 25 May 2014
Executive Seminar: Introduction to the Nuclear Industry
The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory is proud to present a 1 day Executive Seminar: UK Nuclear Industry – Historical Perspective, Current Structure and Major Challenges.
Run in conjunction with the Nuclear Institute and the Nuclear Industry Assocation, the seminar is aimed at civil servants, managers, executives and engineers who are looking to exploit the increasing opportunities in the expanding nuclear sector. And to those who are looking to gain a clearer understanding of this rapidly evolving sector.
The seminar, to be run in Central London in January 2010, will provide a lively introduction to the history of the nuclear industry, the challenges faced and the key changes that have affected how the industry operates.
It will then offer an insightful look at the role of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), key industry stakeholders, Parent Body Organisations (PBOs) and Site Licence Companies (SLCs) in the modern nuclear industry.
Finally, international experts from NNL will provide pragmatic information on a number of key areas that impact across the Sellafield site and the wider nuclear industry.
Register Your Interest
To register your interest in this seminar, please email or ring on 07710 975 956. The seminar will cost £395.00 inc. VAT.