National Nuclear Laboratory

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

UKNNL is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health. Nothing is more important than the occupational health and safety of employees, customers, contractors, the general public, neighbours and all stakeholders. Excellence in occupational health and safety management is integral to UKNNL’s business.

What you can expect from us

  1. UKNNL’s senior management will ensure the health and safety of workers by providing safe and healthy workplaces and embedding an exceptional safety culture where all workers embrace ownership for the safety, health and wellbeing of themselves and others to prevent work-related injury and ill health.
  2. UKNNL will work with regulators, industry, customers and contractors to maintain and continually improve OH&S standards, ensuring that activities, products and services comply with applicable legislative, regulatory and other relevant mandatory requirements.
  3. UKNNL will provide an effective integrated management system to ensure conformance to the OH&S management system requirements.
  4. UKNNL will ensure all employees are given necessary training, information and instruction so they are suitably qualified and experienced to undertake tasks safely.
  5. UKNNL will respond to all incidents, safety issues and non-conformances to understand, and where appropriate, take investigative action, without prejudice, to ensure appropriate corrective and preventative action is undertaken.
  6. UKNNL will ensure to maintain processes to enable consultation and participation of workers and their recognised representatives on nuclear safety, conventional safety and occupational health and safety matters.
  7. UKNNL will develop and implement safe working systems and practices to reduce risk by eliminating or reducing hazards.
  8. UKNNL will ensure effective emergency arrangements are in place, planned and tested to ensure continuous improvement.
  9. UKNNL will establish and monitor OH&S objectives and improvement targets, taking corrective action where appropriate.
  10. UKNNL will retain certification to international standard, ISO 45001.

What we expect from you

  1. All workers will be proactive in preventing incidents and accidents from occurring by working safely, alerting supervisors of safety concerns and can use HuP tools to challenge and correct unsafe behaviours. All workers have a responsibility to look after their own health, safety and wellbeing as well as that of others who may be affected by their acts and omissions.
  2. Employees will ensure required documentation ensures activities, products and services comply with applicable legislation and other relevant mandatory requirements.
  3. Employees will use the OH&S management system to ensure all required documentation is established, controlled, maintained and regularly reviewed.
  4. Workers will be sufficiently qualified, trained and competent to undertake appropriate tasks safely, with suitable supervision as required.
  5. Workers will challenge all unsafe behaviours and activities. All events, incidents and near misses will be reported on the OSHENS system.
  6. Workers are involved in all aspects of OH&S and able to raise concerns and issues through line management or a safety representative for local OH&S meetings, escalating to the Joint Environmental, Health & Safety meeting (JEHSM) as required.
  7. Employees will participate in developing and implementing safe working practices.
  8. As required, occupants will support departmental safety drills, to enable learning and continual improvement. All parties will respond to actual emergency arrangements when in the boundary of UKNNL.
  9. Employees will support and deliver specific and measurable actions that deliver OH&S improvement.
  10. Workers will adhere to the OH&S management system; assist with internal and external audits, completing appropriate corrective action, enabling continuous improvement.

Review and Measurement

  1. This Policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as required to ensure it is effective and reflects the business needs.
  2. This policy will be communicated to all within the organisation and be available to all interested parties and stakeholders.
  3. UKNNL expect all to operate in accordance with UKNNL’s values and behaviours, and adhere to this policy.
  4. OH&S Policy implementation and key monitoring activities will be detailed in the EHSS&Q and Delivery Ops Policy Implementation Matrix

You can download a copy of our Occupational Health and Safety Policy statement by clicking on this link.