UKNNL is committed to protecting the environment and maximising energy efficiency, ensuring that there is no unnecessary harm to the environment or excessive energy use as a result of our activities. By implementing controlled processes and effective risk management, we will manage our environmental impacts, actively reduce our carbon footprint, minimise waste and resource use, prevent pollution and continually improve our performance.
What you can expect from us
- UKNNL senior management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment to environmental and energy performance and ensure continuous improvement by directing and supporting UKNNL to contribute to the effectiveness of the integrated management system.
- UKNNL will communicate our Environment and Energy management strategy and the conformance to the management system requirements inclusive of new/changing legislative, regulatory and other compliance requirements to protect the environment and prevent pollution.
- UKNNL will ensure effective emergency arrangements are in place, planning and testing these to ensure continuous improvement.
- UKNNL will develop, plan to achieve and review performance of environmental and energy management objectives inclusive of net carbon zero targets.
- UKNNL will reduce the use of natural resources, minimise waste generation and dispose of all waste responsibly maximising reuse and recycling opportunities.
- UKNNL will support the reduction of our carbon footprint in our offices, facilities and optimise travel options.
- UKNNL will invest in energy efficiency, ensuring design and procurement activities enable the reduction of waste, enabling reuse or recycle where possible.
- UKNNL will develop partnerships with customers, suppliers, licence holders, regulators and other interested parties who ensure they comply with stakeholder environmental requirements and expectations, including applying Best Available Technique (BAT) in prevention of pollution.
- UKNNL will respond to all environmental and energy issues and events to understand, and where appropriate take investigative action, to ensure appropriate corrective and preventative action is undertaken.
- UKNNL will retain certification to international standards, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.
What we expect from you:
- Employees. through education and training will establish a strong ‘environmental awareness’, progressing a culture of environmental responsibility, and will be proactive, ensuring no unnecessary harm to the environment or excessive energy use as a result of our activities, and use HuP tools to continuously improve.
- Employees will be suitably trained to ensure an understanding of risk management to mitigate adverse environmental impact and energy inefficiency, using the integrated management system to ensure all required documentation, is established, effective, controlled and maintained to a high standard applying best practice and lessons learnt.
- Employees will participate in emergency drills to ensure they are prepared to respond to actual emergency situations.
- Employees will deliver Environmental and Energy Management objectives and targets, regularly review performance, and take action where appropriate to ensure continual improvement.
- Employees will apply best practice and reduce our use of natural resources, minimise waste generation and maximise energy efficiency, reduce waste to landfill and reuse or recycle where possible.
- Employees will proactively reduce our carbon footprint by implementing energy saving practices and technologies, and actively mitigate the impact of business travel.
- Employees will support sustainability and energy efficiency in all design and procurement in all major investment and procurement decisions.
- Employees will work with our regulators, industry, customers and contractors to ensure that our activities, products and services comply with applicable environmental legislation and other relevant mandatory requirements, including site licence permits and will ensure contractors and our supply chain, apply equivalent values and behaviours.
- Employees will respond appropriately to emergency situations and report all events and near misses on the OSHENS system promptly, to ensure corrective action is swift, all learning is communicated across the business to prevent recurrence ensuring continuous improvement.
- Employees will comply with the management system, supporting internal and external audits, completing corrective action to enable continuous improvement.