National Nuclear Laboratory


Monday 21 September 2020

NDA PhD Bursary call 2020-21

NNL would like to announce that we are again working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority on the PhD Bursary call for 2021. Funding will be available to UK academic institutions for PhD projects and to SMEs seeking ‘top-up’ funding for CASE awards and EngDocs in relevant areas.

This call is now live and can be found here:

In the meantime there is an opportunity for interested parties to work on ideas with your industry partners. NNL and NDA look forward again to working with the UK academic community to develop innovative solutions to the technology and skills gaps facing nuclear decommissioning.

You can find out more about NDA’s current R&D priorities here (NDA 5-year research and development plan 2019 to 2024, published 23rd April 2019):

If you have any queries, please contact Dr Mark Bankhead,