National Nuclear Laboratory

Our 10 Golden Rules

Our Golden Rules are used by UKNNL employees during any procurement exercise. They help ensure our process is fair, open and efficient. We share them on our website in order to be as transparent as possible.

  1. You are responsible for keeping confidential
    safe and secure. This is essential for the commercial interests of UKNNL and our
  2. Sharing of confidential information must only be
    undertaken with the permission of the procurement lead who will be assigned at
    the beginning of a project. They will act as the point of contact for any
    suppliers during the procurement process.
  3. Never share information on any aspect of a
    tender evaluation or disclose the outcome of an evaluation with a bidder. Our
    position as a Contracting Authority means there is a legal process which we
    must follow. Any communication with bidders or potential bidders must be
    channelled through your procurement lead.
  4. Do not discuss and/or read documents related to
    tender exercises in public places.
  5. Attendance to all industry events should be
    formally registered.
  6. Do not accept gifts and/or hospitality during a
    procurement exercise. Any offer (even when refused) should be logged via the HR
  7. Do not use or allow others to UKNNLā€™s brand in any
    endorsements, case studies or publicity without seeking guidance from the
    Marketing and Communications team.
  8. All enquiries from bidders or potential bidders
    should be directed to the Procurement team. Never meet with suppliers without
    having a member of the Procurement team present.
  9. If you are related, or have a close relationship
    with an employee/owners or a supplier/potential supplier (including
    ex-employees of UKNNL), you must declare this at the outset of any procurement.
  10. Any concerns about breaches of confidentiality
    and/or actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest must be reported to
    the Procurement team immediately.