Located at Sellafield, NNL’s Windscale Laboratory is a unique facility able to offer unrivalled flexibility in provision of essential handling and inspection services to customers, including:
- Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) of nuclear fuel and irradiated materials
- Radioactive Waste Processing and Management
- Handling and Management of Radioactive Sealed Sources
- Material Analysis
- Mechanical Testing
The Windscale Laboratory is used for non-destructive and destructive examination of reactor fuel and irradiated materials. The Laboratory also has facilities dedicated to the processing and management of radioactive waste and sealed sources.

The Laboratory comprises of:
- 13 shielded cells (caves) with typical dimensions of 11m wide, 2.5m deep and 4m tall
- Active Corridor linking all cells allowing movement of materials
- Concrete shielding (beta/gamma levels)
- Service cranes able to transport flasks up to 60te