NNL played a key role in the development of the Concordat on Public Engagement with Nuclear Energy, which was launched by the Nuclear Industry Council in 2015. The development of the Concordat was led by NNL’s Chief Scientist, Professor Andrew Sherry, and demonstrates the sector’s commitment to engaging with society on nuclear matters. The Concordat, or agreement, outlines four key principles for effective public engagement:
- Leadership commitment
- Best practice (dialogue, trust, clarity and consultation)
- Effective communicators
- Making a difference
Following the launch of the Concordat, a public dialogue study was commissioned by NNL, working in partnership with Sellafield Ltd, Welsh Government and Hopkins Van Mil.
The aim was to inform and, if needed, update the Concordat through public dialogue, as well as to gain insights into public expectations of how public engagement might be demonstrated. Public participants from Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria and Wrexham in North Wales were recruited to provide the views of both nuclear and non-nuclear communities.
The report can be viewed by clicking on this link.